This 3-day series of events consists of a COURSE DAY with two professional lecture sessions (October 25th), a SYMPOSIUM DAY (invited presentations, posters and round table session, scheduled for October 26th) and a SEMINAR DAY (lectured by special experts from the field of nanotechnology-formulated drug development – October 27th) comprising issues in Bio- and Nanosimilar development with strong FOCUS ON Statistical and Regulatory Perspectives.
The event provides a detailed overview of current development issues of follow-on biologics and guidance for their handling. The Annual Biosimilars Forum event series examines the actual challenges of biosimilar drug development with for research management, leadership and support teams working in and for biosimilars.
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The World’s prominent biosimilar development experts from the fields of regulatory, academic and clinical research will return to Budapest in 2018 to the 3rd Annual Biosimilars Forum on October.
25th OCTOBER, 2018 | 1st day: COURSES with special lecturers
with 2 professional course sessions on statistical and pharmacokinetical aspects of biosimilarity assessment, will be delivered by prominent biosimilar research expert scientists:
Uni- and multivariate Bioequivalence of
PK parameters
Lecturers of the Morning Course Session:
Thomas JAKI
Professor of Statistics, Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University, UK
in cooperation with
Deputy Director Research Design and Conduct Service and Research Fellow, Cardiff University, UK
Testing for the equivalence of the pharmacokinetic behaviour of compounds is an indispensable task in biosimilar and generic development. In many cases this is done on the basis of pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters that summarize how the compound is absorbed, distributed, metabolised and excreted.
In this course we will briefly discuss how different PK parameters can be estimated using a non-compartmental approach and then show how bioequivalence can be assessed on the basis of a single as well as multiple PK parameters.
The R packages PK and jocre will be presented.
- Preclinical biosimilar assays consider both bioequivalence (PK) and equivalence (surrogate therapeutic endpoints)
- Multiple endpoints are common, and they are not necessarily equally distributed.
- Equivalence thresholds are, if ever, defined as ratios. Therefore, ratio-to-comparator tests and confidence intervals are needed.
- Commonly log-normal distribution is assumed. Alternatives for normal distribution (including variance heterogeneity) or any distribution (rank statistics) will be discussed. Claiming equivalence for multiple correlated endpoints is challenging.
- The pros and cons of multivariate tests and intersection-union tests are discussed.
- Sometimes bioassays with multiple biosimilars with respect to a single comparator are considered.
- The pros and cons of multiplicity adjustment will be discussed.
- The three topics will be explained by means of real data examples using CRAN packages.
Tickets are available now with flexible terms. Please send us your registration as soon as possible because places are limited in number! WBS and ISCB members can attend the 2nd day symposium for free.
Join us for discovery, networking and meet leading biosimilar development experts at our Forum!
This year the Scientific Programme Committee plans to organize a Contributed Papers section and a Poster section within the Forum.
The organizers are pleased to invite authors to submit abstracts for poster and oral symposium presentations to be delivered at the 3rd Annual Biosimilars Forum.
Email us your Abstract, participate at our 3rd event with your professional work!
Planned programme of the day with a strong
FOCUS on Statistical and Regulatory Perspectives in Bio- and Nanosimilar Development
As in previous years, visitors can take part in the event with world-prominent subject experts from the biosimilars and nanosimilars development areas who will be providing an overview of current regulatory requirements for assessing biosimilarity of biosimilar products and giving detailed guidance to handle differences between regulatory guideline recommendations and clinical research practice.
The detailed agenda and list of speakers of the Symposium day are under preparation, the program of the event will continue to expand until October with internationally renowned speakers from the biosimilars and nanosimilars area.
Some professional lectures from the programme of the Symposium day:
Scientific Keynote Presentation:
Bioequivalence of highly variable drug products – an update
Regulatory Keynote Presentation:
The biosimilar concept revisited – is there a need for change?
An update on development strategies of recently approved biosimilars in Europe
Challenges with safety assessments in biosimilar studies
Animal models of immunogenicity and immune toxico-equivalence testing of nano-biopharmaceuticals
Biosimilars in paediatrics: extrapolation of totality of evidence, indications, and other possible challenges
How the increase of assay sensitivity influences the immunogenicity assessment
Incorporating historical information in biosimilar trials: Challenges and a hybrid Bayesian‐frequentist approach
This page is frequently being updated, the detailed program of the 2nd day will be available soon, so please come back to learn more.
Tickets are available now with flexible terms. Please send us your registration as soon as possible because places are limited in number! WBS and ISCB members can attend the 2nd day symposium for free.
Join us for discovery, networking and meet leading biosimilar development experts at our Forum!
Planned programme of the day with a strong focus on
Nanotechnology in drug development
The programme of the 3rd day is dedicated to professional Seminar sessions with a strong focus on current perspectives of Biosimilar and Nanosimilar drug development, will be delivered by special international experts from the field of nanotechnology-formulated drug development.
Some professional lectures from the programme of the SEMINAR day:
Professional Seminar:
The Era of Biosimilars and Nanosimilars: Current Perspectives
The immunological characterization of nanotechnology-formulated drugs
Targeted Nanomedicine: State of Art and Future Developments
Ildikó ARADI
Vice-Chair, Medicines for Europe, Biosimilar Medicines Group; Head of Clinical Development of Biologics, Gedeon Richter Plc.
Vice Chair, Department Clinical Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna
Associate Professor, Section for Medical Statistics, Medical Unversity of Vienna
Stephan LEHR
Statistician, Austrian Medicines and Medical Devices Agency; President, Viennese Section of IBS
Chief Scientific Officer, Accelsiors CRO Ltd.; President, Hungarian Society for Clinical Biostatistics